New Releases

Zendo is an inductive logic game in which players compete to figure out a secret rule.

One person moderates, providing answers to questions about the secret rule. Players take turns building new structures of game pieces, each of which will give them insight about the unknown attributes of the secret rule.

This updated version of Zendo features a new, more exciting collection of shapes to play with: pyramids, wedges, and blocks!

Zendo comes complete with 27 Pyramids, 27 Wedges, 27 Blocks, 27 Black Disks, 27 White Disks, 27 Green Cubes, 40 Rule Cards, two clips to attach to the cards, and two Instruction Booklets.

Click Here to read a more comprehensive article focusing on Zendo posted exclusively on the GTM website.


SKU: LOO 082

LOO 082 - (CAN)

SRP: $40.00