Dracula's America: Shadows of the West - A Wargame

It is 1875, and Count Dracula is President of the United States of America.

In the wake of the Civil War, with the country struggling to regain its balance, Dracula seized power. The Count's thralls assassinated President Lincoln and his entire administration in a single night and, in the ensuing chaos, their master made his move. Dominating the Senate, he declared himself 'President-for-Life', and now rules the Union with fear and an iron fist!

His vampiric progeny, the Coven of the Red Hand, infest every strata of society, and enforce Dracula`s will with ruthless efficiency. Fleeing from the oppression and menace of the East, hordes of pioneers head to the West, hoping for a new life. Dracula's greed, however, knows no bounds, and his reach is long...

In Dracula's America: Shadows of the West, a skirmish game of Gothic horror set in an alternate Old West, secret wars rage across the country - from bustling boom-towns to the most remote wilderness - as cults and secret societies fight for power and survival. Players will throw their support behind one of these factions, leading a Posse in fast-paced, cinematic battles for dominance and survival.

Dracula's America: Shadows of the West - A Wargame


OSP DAM001 - (CAN)

SRP: $30.00